My name is Jorge Díaz and this is the Word of the Day. The Word of the Day is Wealth Redistribution. The term refers to the transfer of resources from those with vast amounts to those who do not have access.
In our movement context, wealth redistribution is being discussed, from front-line communities to non-profit organizations, in an effort to hold those with economic power accountable to the dire economic conditions most people face in our society. The generation of wealth is possible by exploiting working-class people and communities to generate excesses for a tiny ruling class, which hordes wealth to be inherited by their descendants.
Many of the same families that have exploited workers directly to appropriate wealth for themselves and indirectly through stocks, bonds, and other financial investments and economic loopholes, also control philanthropy.
In the US in particular, the ruling class created these tax havens to get huge government exemptions while they generate social, cultural, and political capital for themselves. At the same time they boast publicly about their charitable generosity ignoring that the wealth they distribute has been accumulated through generations of the working class’s exploitation and misery.
Philanthropic institutions facilitate the accumulation of wealth, and wield the power to promote the agendas and causes which best serve wealthy peoples’ needs and interests.
Ultimately the ruling economic class has a vested interest in the status quo and seek to perpetuate this system for their success and progress.
Efforts of wealth redistribution need to go beyond charity and philanthropy. Very few extraordinary individuals have decided to give away their wealth, but very few people will take these steps and willingly betray their own class interests and power.
Other examples of wealth and power redistribution exist in revolutionary contexts internationally. From factories where workers have taken over and turned them into worker-owned, to the expropriation of land and resources from the wealthy to benefit large segments of the population. Effective efforts for wealth redistribution at any level require radical political and economic shifts of power from the wealthy to the working class. A redistribution of power which can create the conditions to dismantle capitalism and build a new society which is not based on the unlimited extraction of resources and accumulation of wealth, but on satisfying the basic needs of all people to live in community and continue our path to collective liberation.
This has been the Word of the Day.
My name is Jorge Díaz and this is the Word of the Day. The Word of the Day is Wealth Redistribution. The term refers to the transfer of resources from those with vast amounts to those who do not have access.
In our movement context, wealth redistribution is being discussed, from front-line communities to non-profit organizations, in an effort to hold those with economic power accountable to the dire economic conditions most people face in our society. The generation of wealth is possible by exploiting working-class people and communities to generate excesses for a tiny ruling class, which hordes wealth to be inherited by their descendants.
Many of the same families that have exploited workers directly to appropriate wealth for themselves and indirectly through stocks, bonds, and other financial investments and economic loopholes, also control philanthropy.
In the US in particular, the ruling class created these tax havens to get huge government exemptions while they generate social, cultural, and political capital for themselves. At the same time they boast publicly about their charitable generosity ignoring that the wealth they distribute has been accumulated through generations of the working class’s exploitation and misery.
Philanthropic institutions facilitate the accumulation of wealth, and wield the power to promote the agendas and causes which best serve wealthy peoples’ needs and interests.
Ultimately the ruling economic class has a vested interest in the status quo and seek to perpetuate this system for their success and progress.
Efforts of wealth redistribution need to go beyond charity and philanthropy. Very few extraordinary individuals have decided to give away their wealth, but very few people will take these steps and willingly betray their own class interests and power.
Other examples of wealth and power redistribution exist in revolutionary contexts internationally. From factories where workers have taken over and turned them into worker-owned, to the expropriation of land and resources from the wealthy to benefit large segments of the population. Effective efforts for wealth redistribution at any level require radical political and economic shifts of power from the wealthy to the working class. A redistribution of power which can create the conditions to dismantle capitalism and build a new society which is not based on the unlimited extraction of resources and accumulation of wealth, but on satisfying the basic needs of all people to live in community and continue our path to collective liberation.
This has been the Word of the Day.